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And now the day is over


People in tropics tend to be very responsive to the natural cycle of light and dark and this was especially so when I was a child. On weekdays we rose before 6 a.m. and set off for school before 7. My school was one of the first to introduce a “tropical timetable”, which meant that… Read more »



The snack lady sat on the pavement, at the side of the road, or by the school gate, a large tray on her lap or on a box in front of her. Sometimes it was a more elaborate glass-sided box. This was meant to keep out the flies, but generally served to keep a few… Read more »

Introducing Kiskadee Days


There are few sounds from Guyana that I remember so well as the call of the kiskadee. Its shrill song resonated in the background as it flitted from branch to post, from wire to fence, calling  out cheerfully and untiringly as its bright eyes gleaned a snippet of news from every yard. The story goes… Read more »

New avenues


I’ve been busy kneading, shaping and baking – but not in the way that you might think. Want to know more? Hop over to my new page and have a look! Or visit my other website right here.    

Zoete Lekkernijen en Het Nederlands Bakboek kopen?


Beide titels zijn inmiddels uitverkocht via de reguliere kanalen. Soms vind je nog een exemplaar op internet, al dan niet tweedehands. Ik heb van beide titels een beperkt aantal exemplaren liggen (op = op). Zoete Lekkernijen kost €25 + €9,50 verzendkosten. Het Nederlands Bakboek mag de deur uit voor €60 + €9,50 verzendkosten. Wil je… Read more »

Sweet dreams are made of these


Who doesn’t dream of food at one time or another? Or have cravings, longings, even obsessions? As we become older, the more the mind seems to focus on the foods of our childhood. Readers will be familiar with many of the flavours of my Guyanese past and the memories they bring back for me. In… Read more »



Hallo! Als je op mijn website of Facebook-pagina zit, ken je mij waarschijnlijk al. Mocht je dit bericht via-via hebben ontvangen, dan is het misschien wel nuttig als ik me kort voorstel. Ik ben Gaitri Pagrach-Chandra, auteur van 5 kookboeken, onder andere Het Nederlands Bakboek (Kookboek van het Jaar 2012) en Zelfgebakken/Warm Bread and Honey… Read more »

Saving the walnut harvest


We are blessed with a large and shady walnut tree in our garden and as summer progresses, I scan the branches anxiously and wonder what the harvest will be like. When the rest of the garden starts to fade and the few remaining flowers hang their heads dejectedly, I start to look forward to the… Read more »

Prunes with peanut butter, the easy way


No, this is not a recipe from Wrapped. Here’s what happened…. Yesterday, I decided to post a photo of a jar of peanut butter, a container of cocktail sticks and an opened bag of prunes on my Facebook page. It was accompanied by the following text: ‘Let’s see how well you guys know your world… Read more »

Try some recipes from Wrapped


Hello all! I’ve been writing quite a lot about my new book Wrapped on my Facebook page, and have been showing you photos, both my own and some from readers who already have the book. Please be my guest and try out a few recipes, so that you can get a feel for the book… Read more »